About the Yekara Series
The Yekara Series focuses on the fate of a human colony seven centuries after their crash landing on a planet they thought was uninhabited by other sentient life. The humans and Yekarans, a dragon-like species native to the planet, have a long standing relationship benefiting both. Yet, human nature being what it is, petty jealousies and prejudices new and old threaten to topple everything Terran and Yekaran alike have built and hold dear.
While the majority of the story will be contained in a series of novels, the occasional flash fiction or short story is added to the overall canon. The entirety of Yekara Series canon material is listed in chronological order below.
Please be aware any flash fictions or short stories listed between books may contain spoilers for any works listed above.
While the majority of the story will be contained in a series of novels, the occasional flash fiction or short story is added to the overall canon. The entirety of Yekara Series canon material is listed in chronological order below.
Please be aware any flash fictions or short stories listed between books may contain spoilers for any works listed above.
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